About the biology collection

The University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg (UB Frankfurt am Main) offers nationwide services related to historical and modern literature, mediated by its 'FID Biodiversitätsforschung' (Specialised Information Service Biodiversity Research).

The collection of German botanical journals 1753-1914 project, in partnership with the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (BGBM) library, and other libraries, is publishing a portion of journals online.
» Collection of German botanical journals 1753-1914

Louise von Panhuys (1763-1844), an artist from Frankfurt, bequeathed the watercolours, which were drawn by her in Surinam, to the Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft (SGN). The paintings are on permanent loan to the Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg and have been digitized by this library.
» Louise von Panhuys

Within the framework of its 'FID Biodiversitätsforschung' the library digitises literature on biodiversity, focusing on journals from the 20th century. To a lesser extent the collection will comprise older literature which has been missed by earlier digitisation efforts. Central European literature about vascular plants, butterflies and birds is in the focus of this collection.
» Collection Biodiversity

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