Bibliographic Metadata

Na 1 Nachlass Max Horkheimer, 1010 - Sonderdrucke und Schriften von Leo Löwenthal, Marjorie Fiske, Boris Luban-Plozza, Abraham S. Luchins, Peter Ludz, Erich Lüth, Charlotte Lütkens, I. F. Lukoff, J. Goldstein, H. Strauss, David Luschnat und David Lynd (p. XVI.808 - XVI.822)
Date1942 - 1968

Leo Löwenthal & Marjorie Fiske: "Reaction to Mass Media Growth in 18th Century England". In Journalism Quaterly. Vol. 33. No. 4. 1956. Sonderdruck (S. XVI.808);

Leo Löwenthal & Marjorie Fiske: ""The Debate Over Art and Popular Culture in Eighteenth Century England". In: Common Frontiers of the Social Sciences. Sonderdruck (S. XVI.809);

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ReferenceNa 1 Nachlass Max Horkheimer, 1010 - Sonderdrucke und Schriften von Leo Löwenthal, Marjorie Fiske, Boris Luban-Plozza, Abraham S. Luchins, Peter Ludz, Erich Lüth, Charlotte Lütkens, [...]. 1942 - 1968. Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Na 1, 1010 / Some rights reserved