16 Results for Place = "New York; NY"
jump to filter-options- Fritz, G. W. ; Stoltze, FriedrichNew York, NY, 18/03/1868
- Müller, Niclas ; Stoltze, FriedrichNew York, NY, 27/07/1869
- Friedheim, Arthur ; KrehbielNew York, NY, 13/02/1894
- Aḥîmaʿaṣ Ben-Palṭî'ēl ; Salzmann, Marcus (Ed.)New York, NY : Columbia University Press, 1924
- New York, N.Y. : Freiheit ; New York, NY : "Freiheiṭ", Im Digitalisierungsprozess, NY : "Freiheiṭ", 1926-1928, 1926
- Belkind, IsraelNew York, NY : Hammeir, 1917-1918
- Waldstein, Abraham SolomonNew York, NY : AMS Press, 1916
- Brink, LouiseNew York, NY : Guildford Press, 1922
- The work may be accessed from within the univerity's local network onlyFreimann, Aron ; Bloch, JoshuaRepr. with rev. and additions, New York, NY : The New York Public Libr., 1946
- Miller, Edward FrederickNew York, NY : Columbia Univ. Press, 1927
- Millner, Simon L. ; Ury, LesserNew York, NY : Machmadim, 1943
- The work may be accessed from within the univerity's local network onlyHyman, A. (Ed.)New York, NY : Hebrew Publ. Company, 1916
- Peixotto, Benjamin F. ; Heilprin, MichaelNew York, NY : Young Men's Hebrew Association, 1887
- The work may be accessed from within the univerity's local network onlyGelbart, MichlNew York, NY : Farlag Workmen's Circle, 1945