About Colonial Collections

The collections on Africa and Oceania started with the colonial library and the colonial picture archive (initially collected by the German Colonial Society). In 1964 the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) commissioned the library to be responsible for the Special Collections 6.31 Africa - South of the Sahara und 6.32 Oceania. ]. It has been the library’s duty since then until 2015 to buy foreign and German literature on this area.

The colonial picture archive is fully digitized and online available:
» Bildbestand der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft

Parts of the colonial library are digitized and available here: » Kolonialbibliothek

Further titles on "Africa south of the Sahara" and of the "colonial library" are available via the institutional repository of Frankfurt University Library:

» Elektronische Dokumente: Afrika südlich der Sahara
» Elektronische Dokumente: Kolonialbibliothek

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